SSO Implementation FAQ

Single-Sign On (SSO) Implementation FAQ

SSO will be implemented across 9 SMC³ technology products – effective dates will vary by product. Please Note: SMC³ does not use SAML or OAuth to pass credentials off premise to another application.

Products / Timing / Communication
  • Which products will move to SSO?

    There are 9 products moving to SSO.

    Phase One Products released November 28,2023:

    • BatchMark® XL
    • BidSense®
    • CzarLite® Online 2.0
    • FastClass® 2.0

    Phase Two Products released January 16, 2024:

    • Carrier Connect® XL Web App
    • LTL GO®

    Product released February 22, 2024:

    • Traffic Database (NTD)

    Product released July 8, 2024:

    • Credential Manager

    Product released November 14, 2024:

    • Dynamic PriceBuilder™
  • Are integrations currently in use for authentication and access to RateWare® XL or CarrierConnect XL impacted?

    No, nothing will change. These integrations are not impacted by SSO.

  • Are users of alliance partner products that access the products via SMC³ impacted?

    No, nothing will change. These integrations are not impacted by SSO.

  • What is happening to other products not listed in the phases above?

    There are no changes to the login experience or user credentials for any additional products.

User Login
  • How does SSO change user log in?

    The first time a user logs in from the SSO the following will occur:

    • The user will be required to enter an individual email address. The login name will default to the entered email address.

    • The user will be prompted to change the password to ensure the enforcement of security requirements and migration of available data has been completed.

    • The user will then be able to reset and manage their own personally defined SSO password for login.

  • How does a user change their password?

    A password can be changed by you. (If you know your current SSO password, click change password on the login screen). You will be prompted to enter your individual email address, your SSO password and new SSO password.

    A password can also be reset by you. (If you do not remember your SSO password, click Trouble Signing On on the login screen). An email will be sent to your individual email address with a link to guide you. The link is valid for 15 minutes, so if you do not receive the email, please check your spam, quarantined, or other email blockers.

  • What are the password requirements (# of positions, alpha, numeric, special characters)?

    • Password must be 12 characters in length with no maximum restriction.
    • Password must contain all 4-character types (uppercase, lowercase, number, and special character).
    • Valid special characters include +@\\/!#$^?:,()~`-_.
    • Password cannot be similar to the current password.
    • Password cannot be an email address or login name.
    • Password cannot be the same as any password used in the past 730 days.
  • How often does a user need to change their password?

    A password will require an automatic change/update every 120 days. The system will provide expiring password notifications via email and within the application at various time intervals prior to the current password expiration date.

  • Will “admin users” have functionality to add additional users?

    No, this functionality is not included in SSO. Please continue to contact to add new users.

  • Will SSO affect a user’s current bookmarks?

    Product URL and any bookmarks will remain functional.

  • What if a team currently uses a single, shared email or login credential?

    At the first SSO login, each user will be required to enter an individual email address. The login name will default to the entered email address. These two items can be the same or different. An individual email address is a form of identification for one specific person.

Troubleshoot Tips
  1. SMC User Registration functions best with Chrome or Microsoft Edge (Chromium) browser.

  2. Clear your browser cookies and cache. If that does not resolve your issue, completely close your browser and try again.

  3. Check your bookmark to ensure you are using the appropriate product url.