Click on your product(s) below to see the endpoints URL(s):
Apps Portal (Legacy Online Raters, FC Online): https://smc3apps-trial.smc3.com/AppsPortal/loginFrameset2.asp
CarrierConnect XL 1.x: https://applications-trial.smc3.com/AdminManager/services/CarrierConnectWS
CarrierConnect XL 2.x: https://ccxl-trial.smc3.com/AdminManager/services/CarrierConnectXL
CarrierConnect XL 2.x WSDL: https://ccxl-trial.smc3.com/AdminManager/services/CarrierConnectXL?wsdl
CarrierConnect XL 3.0 WSDL: https://ccxl-trial.smc3.com/CarrierConnectXL/services/soap/v3?wsdl
CarrierConnect XL 3.1 WSDL: https://ccxl-trial.smc3.com/CarrierConnectXL/services/soap/v3_1?wsdl
CarrierConnect XL 3.x SOAP: https://ccxl-trial.smc3.com/CarrierConnectXL/services/soap/v3
CarrierConnect XL 3.x REST: https://ccxl-trial.smc3.com/CarrierConnectXL/services/rest/v3
CarrierConnect XL 3.x Webservices Page: https://ccxl-trial.smc3.com/CarrierConnectXL
CarrierConnect XL Web App: https://ccxl-trial.smc3.com/CCXLWebApp
CzarLite Online Rater: https://czarlite-trial.smc3.com/Rater/
IDAPI and token retrieval: https://api-trial.smc3.com/TokenRetrieval
RateWare XL 1.x: https://applications-trial.smc3.com/AdminManager/services/RateWareXL
RateWare XL 1.x WSDL: https://applications-trial.smc3.com/AdminManager/services/RateWareXL?wsdl
RateWare XL 2.x SOAP: https://applications-trial.smc3.com/RateWareXL/services/soap/v2
RateWare XL 2.x REST: https://applications-trial.smc3.com/RateWareXL/services/rest/v2
RateWare XL 2.x Webservices Page: https://applications-trial.smc3.com/RateWareXL
IDAPI and Token Retrieval: https://api-trial.smc3.com/identity-api/#/Token%20Retrieval/post_TokenRetrieval
Credential Management: https://eva-trial.smc3.com/credentials/v2/api/
PRO# Assignment: https://apa-trial.smc3.com/apa/api/
Notifications: https://eva-trial.smc3.com/notifications/v1/api/
Dispatch: https://dispatch-trial.smc3.com/dispatch/v2/api/
Documents: https://document-trial.smc3.com/document/v1/api/
Support: https://eva-trial.smc3.com/support/v2/api/
Contract Pricing: https://pricing-trial.smc3.com/pricing/contract/v1/api/
Dynamic Pricing: https://pricing-trial.smc3.com/pricing/dynamic/v2/api/
VolumePricing: https://pricing-trial.smc3.com/pricing/volume/v2/api/
Contact Application Support at support@smc3.com or call 800.272.3425.
Insert the CD into the CD ROM drive.
If CD starts automatically, start with Step 3, otherwise start with Step 1.
Check the box and click on the edit button. You have the option of setting Zips (Zip Code to Zip Code), or States (State to State) specific discounting, or a combination of both. If your discounts do not encompass the entire state, you must use Zips (Zip Code to Zip Code) specific entry.
If you select Zips, type the low end of a 5-digit ZIP Code range in the ZIP Code field, and the high end of the range in the Range field for the Origin and Destination zips. (If the specific discount is for a single Zip Code, type the same 5-digit Zip Code in both fields.) Enter in the discounts in the fields on the right. Then click the Add button. You may add more zip ranges, or State-to-State discounts, or close the window by clicking Close.
If you select States, click the arrow and a drop-down list of states will appear. Select the state you want for the origin and the destination. Enter in the discounts in the field on the right. Then click the Add button.
This item allows you to toggle between discounting by Rates or Charges. The default setting is “Charges”. You can activate this feature from Options – Settings – Discounts – Application.
When you discount the Charges, the system multiplies the weight of the shipment by the actual rate to get a Gross Charge. It then multiplies the Gross Charge by the discount percentage to get a discount amount, and then subtracts that amount from the Gross Charge to obtain a Net Charge. The system shows you the dollar amounts for the Gross Charge, the Discount Amount, and the Net Charge on screen.
When you discount Rates, the system multiplies the base rate by the discount percentage to obtain a Discounted Rate. The system multiplies the weight of the shipment by the discounted rate to obtain the Net Charge. The system does not show the discount percentage – it only shows the discounted rate itself and uses it to calculate the Net Charge.
When this feature is activated, a field pops up on the Rating Screen that allows you to type in the discount that applies for the current shipment. You may also enter an MC Discount and an MC Floor.
To turn ON/OFF Prompt for Discount, you can either change your Setting found under Options – Settings – Discount, or you can toggle Use Discounts OFF/ON from the drop-down menu under Options. Or, you can toggle the Discount button OFF/ON on the toolbar.
Note: Zip specific discounts/floors will take precedence over Prompt discounts/floors.
Find this option under Options – Rating Prompts. To turn this option on/off, go to Options – Rating Prompts and check the box in front of Prompt for Accessorial. To remove the Accessorial Charges, de-select Prompt for Accessorial. Click OK.
If you select this feature, an Accessorial box appears on the Rating Screen. When the Accessorial box appears, key in the amount of the Accessorial Charge, if required, for that shipment and the system adds the total amount to the Net Charge.
If you select File, you will need to enter a file name with a .prt extension. The file will be sent to the application’s home directory. From there you can open it with Notepad, Word, etc.
This feature allows you to retain your shipment information in a format for easy viewing. Use Export Shipment to store information for use in databases, spreadsheets, and other applications.
Prompt for Shipment ID allows you to add an identifier, such as an account number, a pro number, a date, or any number, word, or phrase that can identify a shipment.
When you check this field to activate this feature, a field pops up on the Rating Screen that allows you to type in an alphanumeric set of characters as an identifier for the current shipment.
Click on Options and then Rating Prompts.
When you select this Rating Prompts item, the cursor moves into the numerical field to the right. Type in the applicable numerical value and press ENTER. To reduce the rates, make the number less than one (e.g. 0.9800). To increase rates, make the number greater than one (e.g. 1.0500). The default is 1.0000.
Note: The stop alternation weight only supports weight break values of 10000 lbs or greater. Any value less than 10000 lbs will return an error code of 40.
Clients can request these by contacting either LTLHelp@smc3.com or TLHelp@smc3.com depending on your system.