Weekly Fuel Prices

EIA Weekly Regional Diesel Fuel Prices

Each Tuesday morning, we post U.S. National Average On-Highway Diesel Price data-based on published data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) for easy customer access.*

*In the case of a federal holiday, SMC³ will post the data on the next following business day. The U.S. National Average On-Highway Diesel Price is announced by the EIA Monday at 4 p.m.

  • East Coast
  • New England
  • Central
  • Lower Atlantic
  • Gulf Coast
  • Midwest
  • Rockies
  • West Coast
  • California
  07/22 07/15 07/08 07/01 06/24
National Average 3.779 3.826 3.865 3.813 3.769
East Coast 3.872 3.908 3.934 3.898 3.876
New England 4.101 4.109 4.101 4.096 4.088
Central Atlantic 4.061 4.067 4.087 4.076 4.048
Lower Atlantic 3.778 3.829 3.861 3.812 3.790
Gulf Coast 3.461 3.551 3.598 3.549 3.506
Mid West 3.732 3.745 3.803 3.729 3.662
Rockies 3.731 3.750 3.790 3.745 3.710
West Coast 4.394 4.450 4.454 4.447 4.420
California 4.874 4.932 4.955 4.915 4.913
National Average 3.779
East Coast 3.872
New England 4.101
Central Atlantic 4.061
Lower Atlantic 3.778
Gulf Coast 3.461
Mid West 3.732
Rockies 3.731
West Coast 4.394
California 4.874
National Average 3.826
East Coast 3.908
New England 4.109
Central Atlantic 4.067
Lower Atlantic 3.829
Gulf Coast 3.551
Mid West 3.745
Rockies 3.750
West Coast 4.450
California 4.932
National Average 3.865
East Coast 3.934
New England 4.101
Central Atlantic 4.087
Lower Atlantic 3.861
Gulf Coast 3.598
Mid West 3.803
Rockies 3.790
West Coast 4.454
California 4.955
National Average 3.813
East Coast 3.898
New England 4.096
Central Atlantic 4.076
Lower Atlantic 3.812
Gulf Coast 3.549
Mid West 3.729
Rockies 3.745
West Coast 4.447
California 4.915
National Average 3.769
East Coast 3.876
New England 4.088
Central Atlantic 4.048
Lower Atlantic 3.790
Gulf Coast 3.506
Mid West 3.662
Rockies 3.710
West Coast 4.420
California 4.913

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