Weekly Fuel Prices

EIA Weekly Regional Diesel Fuel Prices

Each Tuesday morning, we post U.S. National Average On-Highway Diesel Price data-based on published data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) for easy customer access.*

*In the case of a federal holiday, SMC³ will post the data on the next following business day. The U.S. National Average On-Highway Diesel Price is announced by the EIA Monday at 4 p.m.

  • East Coast
  • New England
  • Central
  • Lower Atlantic
  • Gulf Coast
  • Midwest
  • Rockies
  • West Coast
  • California
  04/22 04/15 04/08 04/01 03/25
National Average 3.992 4.015 4.061 3.996 4.034
East Coast 4.047 4.068 4.118 4.083 4.125
New England 4.326 4.311 4.305 4.305 4.321
Central Atlantic 4.255 4.241 4.272 4.271 4.294
Lower Atlantic 3.941 3.979 4.042 3.990 4.042
Gulf Coast 3.707 3.710 3.760 3.670 3.717
Mid West 3.935 3.965 4.011 3.949 3.986
Rockies 3.883 3.956 4.008 3.949 3.986
West Coast 4.661 4.702 4.723 4.651 4.666
California 5.244 5.256 5.259 5.221 5.224
National Average 3.992
East Coast 4.047
New England 4.326
Central Atlantic 4.255
Lower Atlantic 3.941
Gulf Coast 3.707
Mid West 3.935
Rockies 3.883
West Coast 4.661
California 5.244
National Average 4.015
East Coast 4.068
New England 4.311
Central Atlantic 4.241
Lower Atlantic 3.979
Gulf Coast 3.710
Mid West 3.965
Rockies 3.956
West Coast 4.702
California 5.256
National Average 4.061
East Coast 4.118
New England 4.305
Central Atlantic 4.272
Lower Atlantic 4.042
Gulf Coast 3.760
Mid West 4.011
Rockies 4.008
West Coast 4.723
California 5.259
National Average 3.996
East Coast 4.083
New England 4.305
Central Atlantic 4.271
Lower Atlantic 3.990
Gulf Coast 3.670
Mid West 3.949
Rockies 3.949
West Coast 4.651
California 5.221
National Average 4.034
East Coast 4.125
New England 4.321
Central Atlantic 4.294
Lower Atlantic 4.042
Gulf Coast 3.717
Mid West 3.986
Rockies 3.986
West Coast 4.666
California 5.224

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