Weekly Fuel Prices

EIA Weekly Regional Diesel Fuel Prices

Each Tuesday morning, we post U.S. National Average On-Highway Diesel Price data-based on published data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) for easy customer access.*

*In the case of a federal holiday, SMC³ will post the data on the next following business day. The U.S. National Average On-Highway Diesel Price is announced by the EIA Monday at 4 p.m.

  • East Coast
  • New England
  • Central
  • Lower Atlantic
  • Gulf Coast
  • Midwest
  • Rockies
  • West Coast
  • California
  03/17 03/10 03/03 02/24 02/17
National Average 3.549 3.582 3.635 3.697 3.677
East Coast 3.679 3.699 3.742 3.795 3.791
New England 3.987 4.031 4.037 4.043 4.021
Central Atlantic 3.869 3.907 3.926 3.962 3.980
Lower Atlantic 3.577 3.587 3.643 3.708 3.696
Gulf Coast 3.245 3.284 3.343 3.420 3.382
Mid West 3.463 3.497 3.551 3.615 3.602
Rockies 3.376 3.414 3.478 3.495 3.510
West Coast 4.203 4.250 4.303 4.358 4.316
California 4.766 4.807 4.850 4.877 4.839
National Average 3.549
East Coast 3.679
New England 3.987
Central Atlantic 3.869
Lower Atlantic 3.577
Gulf Coast 3.245
Mid West 3.463
Rockies 3.376
West Coast 4.203
California 4.766
National Average 3.582
East Coast 3.699
New England 4.031
Central Atlantic 3.907
Lower Atlantic 3.587
Gulf Coast 3.284
Mid West 3.497
Rockies 3.414
West Coast 4.250
California 4.807
National Average 3.635
East Coast 3.742
New England 4.037
Central Atlantic 3.926
Lower Atlantic 3.643
Gulf Coast 3.343
Mid West 3.551
Rockies 3.478
West Coast 4.303
California 4.850
National Average 3.697
East Coast 3.795
New England 4.043
Central Atlantic 3.962
Lower Atlantic 3.708
Gulf Coast 3.420
Mid West 3.615
Rockies 3.495
West Coast 4.358
California 4.877
National Average 3.677
East Coast 3.791
New England 4.021
Central Atlantic 3.980
Lower Atlantic 3.696
Gulf Coast 3.382
Mid West 3.602
Rockies 3.510
West Coast 4.316
California 4.839

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