Weekly Fuel Prices

EIA Weekly Regional Diesel Fuel Prices

Each Tuesday morning, we post U.S. National Average On-Highway Diesel Price data-based on published data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) for easy customer access.*

*In the case of a federal holiday, SMC³ will post the data on the next following business day. The U.S. National Average On-Highway Diesel Price is announced by the EIA Monday at 4 p.m.

  • East Coast
  • New England
  • Central
  • Lower Atlantic
  • Gulf Coast
  • Midwest
  • Rockies
  • West Coast
  • California
  02/10 02/03 01/27 01/20 01/13
National Average 3.665 3.660 3.659 3.715 3.602
East Coast 3.761 3.778 3.805 3.820 3.718
New England 3.970 3.968 3.961 3.944 3.821
Central Atlantic 3.974 3.986 3.995 3.976 3.876
Lower Atlantic 3.661 3.682 3.718 3.750 3.649
Gulf Coast 3.393 3.395 3.378 3.455 3.321
Mid West 3.582 3.568 3.568 3.648 3.532
Rockies 3.528 3.471 3.431 3.485 3.399
West Coast 4.307 4.289 4.274 4.302 4.213
California 4.796 4.787 4.793 4.807 4.716
National Average 3.665
East Coast 3.761
New England 3.970
Central Atlantic 3.974
Lower Atlantic 3.661
Gulf Coast 3.393
Mid West 3.582
Rockies 3.528
West Coast 4.307
California 4.796
National Average 3.660
East Coast 3.778
New England 3.968
Central Atlantic 3.986
Lower Atlantic 3.682
Gulf Coast 3.395
Mid West 3.568
Rockies 3.471
West Coast 4.289
California 4.787
National Average 3.659
East Coast 3.805
New England 3.961
Central Atlantic 3.995
Lower Atlantic 3.718
Gulf Coast 3.378
Mid West 3.568
Rockies 3.431
West Coast 4.274
California 4.793
National Average 3.715
East Coast 3.820
New England 3.944
Central Atlantic 3.976
Lower Atlantic 3.750
Gulf Coast 3.455
Mid West 3.648
Rockies 3.485
West Coast 4.302
California 4.807
National Average 3.602
East Coast 3.718
New England 3.821
Central Atlantic 3.876
Lower Atlantic 3.649
Gulf Coast 3.321
Mid West 3.532
Rockies 3.399
West Coast 4.213
California 4.716

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