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*Please Note: Pricing may vary for custom shipper tariffs with multiple geographies; data modules are designed for use in the SMC³ RateWare and SMC³ BatchMark products.
*Please Note: Pricing may vary for custom shipper tariffs with multiple geographies; data modules are designed for use in the SMC³ RateWare and SMC³ BatchMark products.
Product Number | Tariff Name | Effective Date |
27632 | DAFG 2000, US/US, US/CN | 01/08/2024 |
26824 | DAFG 2000, US/US, US/CN | 01/02/2023 |
24311 | DATS 500, US/US, US/CN | 09/30/2019 |
25631 | DATS 500, US/US, US/CN | 02/01/2021 |
27619 | DAYR 505, US/CN | 10/30/2023 |
26245 | DAYR 505, US/CN | 01/17/2022 |
26591 | DAYR 505, US/CN | 10/31/2022 |
25790 | DBDE, US/US | 06/28/2021 |
27610 | DCL 1000-A | 01/01/2024 |
24974 | DHE 1000 US/US | 02/02/2020 |
23878 | DHE 1000 US/US | 02/03/2019 |
24976 | DHE 2000 US/US | 02/02/2020 |
23879 | DHE 2000 US/US | 02/03/2019 |
26343 | DHRN 500 | 01/24/2022 |
27664 | DHRN 500 | 02/05/2024 |
23178 | DHRN 500 | 08/14/2017 |
26224 | DYLT 507 AS, US/US | 11/15/2021 |
26486 | DYLT 507 AT, US/US | 07/18/2022 |
27790 | DYLT 507 AV, US/US | 10/02/2023 |
27849 | DYLT 507 AW, US/US | 08/19/2024 |