Carrier Data Modules

Need to find specific carrier data modules?

Keep in mind we do not list all companies. If the data you need is not listed, please contact us.

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Carrier Rate Module Search

Alphabetical Search by Tariff Name

*Please Note: Pricing may vary for custom shipper tariffs with multiple geographies; data modules are designed for use in the SMC³ RateWare and SMC³ BatchMark products.

Search Results

Product Number Tariff Name Effective Date
27741EXLA 331 US/US, US/CN03/15/2024
27812EXLA 331 US/US, US/CN08/12/2024
27866EXLA 335 US/US, US/CN08/12/2024
26684EXLA 550 US/US, US/CN01/02/2023
27861EXLA 550 US/US, US/CN01/02/2024
26685EXLA 550R, US/US, US/CN01/02/2023
27862EXLA 550R, US/US, US/CN01/02/2024
27116Expediri 500, US/US05/15/2023